At the end of December 2019 Rattlesnake Island suffered a loss of power. As Lake Winnipesaukee was just starting to freeze, the power company was unable to get a boat in at the area docks.
Island homeowners shared their plight over the holiday in their Facebook group "I Love Rattlesnake Island on Lake Winnipesaukee" and worked together to restore power.
The following is a post from Bennett Walker on the broad side of island:
"A huge shout out of thanks to all of those who were persistent and helped NHEC restore power to the broadside of the island! Special thanks to George Webb, Chuck Klaubert, Carolyn Murphy and everyone else who did what they could to make sure docks stay safe, cameras stay on for property security and people can make trips out to stay during the Winter. This is what community is all about, so happy to be a part of this island community!"
Chuck shoveled off the boat ramp at Ames Farm so that NHEC could have a place to launch to repair the outage on Rattlesnake.
It is not uncommon for Islanders on Lake Winnipesaukee to visit their homes in all seasons (via boat in the summer, hovercraft in the fall and spring, and snowmobile in the winter). Some property owners also mount digital cameras on their properties that alert them when there is movement and allows them to monitor water conditions at their dock throughout the year.
The sense of community is tight with many islanders sharing information with other property owners on and off-island throughout the year.