Becky’s Garden, Center Harbor NH
This island is located near Black Cat Island at the mouth of Center Harbor.
Becky's Garden has one minuscule New Englander, porch and all – literally only big enough to accommodate Barbie and Ken.
The legend of Becky’s Garden is about a girl name Rebecca. Rebecca was one of many siblings in a Center Harbor family. Her sisters were said to be “spoiled rotten girls” that always prettied themselves up looking for that one rich man they could call their husband. Rebecca was a pretty young girl who enjoyed the simple things in life, including gardening around her family’s home. Her gardens were her prize possession and she guarded them closely.
One afternoon, her father’s cattle escaped from their holding area, trampling and defecating in the beautiful gardens. Becky was horrified and deeply saddened by the destruction her father’s cattle had caused to her gardens. Some suspected that Becky’s sisters let the cattle out to do damage to Becky’s gardens. Becky’s father felt terrible because of the accident and offered her any island she wanted on Lake Winnipesaukee. Her sisters were highly offended that Becky would get her own island and they all wanted one too. After much debate their father agreed to give them all their own island, but Becky would get the first choice of any island on the Lake because of what had happened to her gardens.
Her sisters were once again upset by the news that Becky would get the first choice and taunted her terribly. Becky felt bad for her sisters, so she chose the smallest island in the entire lake, allowing her sisters to get any of the larger islands they wanted which they did. The island Becky chose was just a small pile of rocks with some bushes on them.
The news of Becky’s generosity to her sisters was heard by a many, including a wealthy young lad that was very intrigued by whom this generous loving woman was. He found out where she lived and paid her a visit. He was very attracted to her and they soon married. Even though Becky chose the smallest island on Lake Winnipesaukee so that her selfish sisters could pick out the huge, luxurious islands they so desired, Becky found love with a wealthy young man and lived a happy life.
Becky’s sisters, on the other hand, lived lonely lives on their huge islands. It is now said that the smallest island produced the biggest results.
This small island on Lake Winnipesaukee, now known as Becky’s Garden Island, is adorned with a mini-house that offers every detail including a flagpole with an American flag.